Connecting young people to the clean energy revolution!

Energy Central STEM

STEM @ Energy Central was formally established in 2023 by Port of Blyth, the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult and Northumberland County Council as a successor to the Blyth Stem Hub which was established in 2017 by the Port of Blyth, the ORE Catapult, Blyth Tall Ship and regional partners.

Our Goal

To better connect children and young people with STEM learning in general and with clean-energy focused provision specifically in order to:

  • support understanding of the education, employment and skills opportunities the sector offers

  • support the development of education-to-employment pathways into the clean energy sector

  • support progression into employment and training in the clean energy sector

The aim of the partnership

Create a clear pathway for children and young people in education and training in South East Northumberland to industries requiring STEM knowledge and skills in general.

Create a better understanding of the marine, offshore and renewable energy industries in particular.

STEM @ Energy Central is supported by key partners including the Energy Central employer cluster, North East STEM Hub, regional schools, colleges and universities, the North East LEP and the North of Tyne Combined Authority.

Together, we recognise the importance of raising awareness and engagement of local communities in the economic development that is occurring around the Port. The STEM Hub especially understands the need to inform young people about the education and skills that businesses located in this area need, and the industries that are growing around Blyth and South East Northumberland.

As a result, the STEM Hub has delivered STEM engagement for thousands of young learners, linking with over 50 businesses and working directly with schools, colleges and education providers in Blyth, South East Northumberland and beyond.

Learning Partnerships

STEM @ Energy Central continuously works to establish key Learning Partnerships, meaning we are always aligned with the needs of our education and business partners. Our Learning Partnerships also ensure we are providing the very highest quality in STEM education.

The Ogden Trust

The Ogden Trust is a charitable trust that exists to promote the teaching and learning of physics. They do this by enabling innovative physics teaching to take place in, and collaboratively between, schools, often forging links to universities.

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Computing at School (CAS)

CAS’s mission is to lead and promote excellence in all those staff involved in Computing education in schools. The aim is for computing to become firmly established in all Primary and Secondary schools alongside maths and the natural sciences.

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North East Ambition Programme

Supporting schools and colleges to provide the best possible careers education, information and guidance sing the Gatsby Foundation benchmarks.

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We are a Green Power Centre of Excellence.

Greenpower Education Trust is a UK based charity which gets young people enthusiastic about science and engineering by challenging them to design, build and race an electric car.

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Space Camp

Space Camp is a programme of residential experiences that you can run yourself in your own school and will immerse your pupils into the amazing world of Space Science.

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Primary Engineer

Primary Engineer has created an engineering curriculum that spans Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Further Education institutions.

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  • "Feedback that I have had from staff was that it was an excellent day. Thank you for all your efforts in organising and please pass on my thanks to the staff and companies that gave their time. It is something we would like to consider doing on an annual basis."

    Craig Sams – Bede Academy

  • "Just to say many thanks for the visit yesterday. Both the teachers and children had a great day and many children are now saying they would like to be engineers."

    Jessica Callaghan – Balliol Primary School

  • "The children enjoyed all the different activities and came away having a better understanding of engineering and STEM itself. Many children have now come to me and said how they would love to go into engineering in the future and they did not realise how many different areas there are."

    Claire Hancock – St Wilfrid’s Primary School

  • "The overwhelming feedback from both students and staff has been very positive. All have said it was a very informative and enjoyable. I would like to thank you and the companies that took part for all the effort you put in to make the day work for them."

    John Johnson – Northumberland College


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