Meet Ben Milligan, T-Level Engineering student at Bede Academy

Our educational partner, Bede Academy, have brought T-Levels to Blyth for the first time with the introduction of their Engineering T-Level in 2023, which will be conducted from the Energy Central Learning Hub once open in Septemeber 2024.

Interested in learning more about a T-Level in Engineering?

Find out more in this interview with Ben Milligan, sharing his experience of undertaking a T-Level with Bede Academy.

Why did you choose to do a T-Level in Engineering with Bede Academy?

I first discovered the T-Level at Bede when I was told about it by the Head of Sixth Form, Mr. Lloyd. He was very polite at the open evening at KEVI school in Morpeth, and took time to answer all my questions, even having a one to one presentation with me and my Dad. This instantly attracted me to Bede Academy, as I could tell that the teachers there really cared about their students, or even at the time, potential students. I have found this to be true as I have gone through the T-Level, as I know my teacher Mr. Davies is always looking out for the T-Level group. After doing my own research into Bede Academy after learning about this new course, I knew it was the place I wanted to go for my post 16 studies. The facilities at the school looked fantastic, with there being multiple workshops in which we could complete our practical work safely and effectively, the bistro where we can study and have our breaks, and even the classrooms, with computers capable of completing tasks such as CAD work on platforms such as 2D design, and Solidworks.

Also, the prospects of the Energy Central Learning Hub for the second year of the course was another factor, as the opportunity to work in an environment built to represent an actual workplace sounded amazing. This is because it would help to give me an idea of the potential working environment I could find myself in during the next steps of my career, such an an apprenticeship or job.

The main factor that attracted me to Bede was it's location. Blyth is largely growing in it's industrial sectors, meaning there are plenty of different opportunities for us to take part in, whether that be during my time on the T-Level, such as different industrial trips or work placements, which will help me to understand the many sectors of engineering and begin to decide where I would like to go, or whether it be after the T-Level, when looking forward to the next step, such as an apprenticeship. Often during the course we do things that aren't necessarily a part of the curriculum, but more something that will aid you later on in your career. An example of this is the SolidWorks accreditation we do, which is a certification on the CAD software we use to show that we are capable of carrying out tasks on the software. Things like this can be put on CV's, and are things future employers will lookout for. This shows Bede Academy's care for their students, as although it isn't necessary for them to do, it will benefit the students long-term.

What are the benefits of doing a T-Level?

In my opinion, the T-Level comes with many benefits. First of all, it acts as a pathway to an apprenticeship, or even a degree apprenticeship. I believe it prepares you for a real working environment by giving you not only the necessary theory work to have an in-depth understanding of engineering, but also the hands on, and environmental experience to know your way around, and translate these skills into the world of work.

I think that this is better than the traditional A-Level for example, as often the knowledge learnt there is 'for the exam' or 'because you just need to know it'. In the T-Level, what we learn is specifically because we will use it later in our career, and I believe that applied knowledge holds more value. I also think that doing the T-Level gives you many more opportunities in terms of networking than other forms of traditional education. As a part of the course, not only are there multiple trips you go on, where you get a grasp for the engineering sector, but also to see what sort of work massive companies at the Port of Blyth are doing, but you also get to take part in a 9 week work placement. This will allow you to explore different areas / sectors of engineering without having to commit to a job or apprenticeship, which will give you confidence in what you decide to do in later life, rather than rushing I to a sector you may dislike.

It also gives you the opportunity to network with many different companies, which will prove handy when looking for potential apprenticeships or jobs after the T-Level course. However, one benefit of the T-level is that you can still go to University, either to do a degree in something relating to engineering, or if you decide it isn't for you, something completely different. I also think there is a sense of freedom with the T-Level, where you are treat more like young adults than students in a classroom. Another benefit is the actual exams that take place. For the core engineering section of the course, there are two exam papers you will sit. However, in total you get three different attempts at the exam, where your highest score across the two papers will be your final grade. I think this system is amazing, as not only are exams less stressful, but also it means the course isn't defined by one bad exam. 

What have you enjoyed the most throughout your T-Level course?

One of the things I have enjoyed about the T-Level is the opportunity to meet new people. Since I live in Morpeth, going to a new school in Blyth meant I knew no one, but finding new friends was never a problem.

I have also enjoyed the course itself so far, as the theory work has been interesting, especially since it is applied knowledge tailored to the sort of work we will be doing in future, but also I have learned, and will continue to learn many practical skills as a part of the course, which helps me to develop my problem solving skills in real life scenarios. I feel like the teachers around us have also been very supportive, treating us as individuals rather than a collective group of students, and giving us each our own opportunities, responsibilities that match with our own personal goals, work ethic and personalities.

For those looking to become an engineer as a potential career, the T-Level is a must do. This is because the work we do is tailored to engineering specifically, with the curriculum being agreed upon by many companies in the sector.
— Ben Milligan, T-Level Engineering Student at Bede Academy

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